Wuerl, A. M., and Kupec, Q. R. W., Repeating Ground Track Orbits for a Reusable Launch Vehicle. Blue Origin, LLC, assignee. Patent 12,234,039 February 25, 2025.
French, J. R., Ramsey, R. E., and Wuerl, A. M., Reusable Upper Stage Rocket With Aerospike Engine. Blue Origin, LLC, assignee. Patent 11,933,249 B2 March 19, 2024.
Wuerl, A., Wuerl, M., Lessons Learned for Deploying a Microsatellite from the International Space Station, 2015 IEEE Aerospace Conference Proceedings, May 2015, 978-1-4799-5380-6/15.
Colvin, R. D., Wuerl, A. M., and Mak, M. S., System and Method for Dispsensing of Multiple Kill Vehicles Using an Integrated Multiple Kill Vehicle Payload. Lockheed Martin Corporation, assignee. Patent 8,575,526 B1. 5 Nov. 2013.
Andrews, D. G., Wuerl, A. M., et al., Optimization of ETO Launch Systems for Airplane-like Safety and Reliability, 40th Joint Propulsion Conference, 11-14 July 2004, AIAA-2004-3907.
Sadler, G. G., Wuerl, A. M., et al., Gryphon: A Feasible Horizontal Takeoff Next Generation Architecture Concept, 40th Joint Propulsion Conference, 11-14 July 2004, AIAA-2004-3391.
Wuerl, A., et al., Genetic Algorithm and Calculus of Variations-Based Trajectory Optimization Technique, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 40, No. 6, Nov-Dec 2003, pp.882.
Crocker, A. M., Wuerl, A. M., et al., ACES: Propulsion Technology for Next Generation Space Transportation, 54th International Astronautical Congress, 29 Sept-03 October 2003, IAC-03-S.5.03.
Crocker, A. M., Wuerl, A. M., et al., Progress on Alchemist ACES: Technology for Next Generation Space Transportation, 39th Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, 20-23 July 2003, AIAA-2003-4890.